Australian UFO Photo Case

Date: 19 September, l995.
Location: Kilsyth, Melbourne, Australia.
Witness: Mr Ray and Ralph K.
Investigator: Philip Mantle.

Mr Ray K and his son Ralph claim to have taken two UFO photographs in their back garden on 19 September, l995, between 1 and 1.30 pm.

According to Ray during the excitement of photographing this object, neither he nor his son Ralph took any notice of how far away or how large the object was, nor did they take much notice of its speed etc. Each time the æobjectÆ was photographed it appeared to be moving to the witnesses right. Almost immediately after each photo was taken the object seemed to momentarily hover, then dip and move to the left. The object moved behind trees and was lost from view. Each time this happened the two witnesses rushed to the side of their house to see where the object had gone but could see no sign of it.

The subsequent photoÆs were examined by Nick Burton BSc (Hons) a image processing expert in Nottingham.

In Nick's preliminary examination of these photographs he has not reached any definite conclusions, however he does have some interesting comments to make.

* Photo shows likely noise caused by dust spots, artefacts of chemical processing and scanning. Please ignore these.

* Photo shows an area of possible motion blur at the right-hand bottom corner of the object.

* Photo also shows two possible dark areas on top right-side of the object, these can also be seen on the actual photograph after close examination.

As yet no definite conclusion has been drawn with regards to these two photographs and it is hoped that Nick Burton will find time amongst his busy work schedule to look at them further.

This case, like many others that we are now receiving from overseas, further emphasises BUFORA's growing international reputation.

To report a UFO sighting please contact Philip Mantle Director of Investigations, 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley, West Yorkshire, WFl7 7SW.

Tele: 01924 444049.
(Confidentiality guaranteed).

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